We are a cloistered, contemplative community of women, totally consecrated to Jesus Christ our Bridegroom. His love has called us together as sisters, to pray for the needs of the Church and for the world. Prayer is the foundation of our life and our primary activity. Prayer permeates our entire existence.
According to our foundress, Saint Teresa of Avila, the Carmelite Nun is a woman who lives in solitude for others. Her enclosure wall is not a sign of separation, but a sign of commitment. She is an Ecclesial woman; her life is centered in the Eucharist, where she receives Christ and offers herself in union with Him for His Body the Church.
The Carmelite’s journey is not for herself alone. Her life of prayer and friendship with God affects the lives of countless others, for a life of prayer goes everywhere. This call to intimate friendship with God is a mystery and a gift.
Our vocation is many-faceted and richly rewarding.
Spiritual reading in silence and solitude nourishes our prayer. Through study of the Scriptures, we come to a deeper knowledge of Christ, our spouse.
Joy is a characteristic element of our life, because it emanates from our prayerful awareness of God’s loving, abiding presence. Our Mother, Saint Teresa had no love for sad- faced saints. She envisioned small communities where all the sisters would be friends. We gather together twice a day for recreation.
Work is an integral part of our lives as we imitate Mary, who lovingly toiled in the home at Nazareth. “The Lord doesn’t look so much at the greatness of our works as at the love with which they are done.” (St. Teresa)
In simplicity we gather for our meals giving thanks to God for all His blessings and for the many friends who help to make our life possible.
Self-denial with joy is a gift of the Spirit. St. Teresa explains: “true perfection consists in love of God and neighbor.” This love, which is the fruit of prayer, is often freely expressed in the helping hand we give to one another.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is mother and patroness of our Carmelite Order. The mystery of her life and union with Christ is our ideal model of consecration. Like Mary, we bear Jesus in our hearts, contemplate Him in silence, serve Him in humility and stand at the foot of His cross.
Saint Therese of Lisieux (the Little Flower) has expressed our vocation in this way: “In the heart of my mother the Church, I will be LOVE…” for she knew that “love reaches through time and space, because it is eternal.”

Contact Carmel, California
Carmel of Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Saint Therese
27601 Highway 1
Carmel, California 93923