We have copies of Cor Orans, Vultum Dei quaerere and Sponsa Christi. An offering may be made to cover the price of postage. Please send your request to:
Carmel of St. Joseph
1127 Carmel-Koch Road, R.R. 1
St. Agatha, Ontario N0B 2L0
This is such a historic time for Carmel and for all the Contemplative Monasteries. A new Apostolic Constitution is the highest form of legislation that the Church can offer us, and it comes with the deepest regard and esteem for our life. It is given us to help us continually renew our life, and to help us live it fully. It is truly a privileged time to live our Carmelite charism, and we can trust the Holy Spirit to guide us.
See the Vatican Website for the text of these three documents: 1. Vultum Dei Quaerare 2. Cor Orans 3. Sponsa Christi (for Sponsa Christi in English see here.
Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel
Daily reflections inspired by our Carmelite Saints and Blesseds compiled and published by Saint Teresa
Association. You may purchase a copy from the following sources:
Carmel of Port Tobacco: See link.
Carmel of St. Agatha: See link.